Excellent article by a well-known pediatrician proving that the healthiest children worldwide are NOT vaccinated!
The more I learn about vaccines the more I realize how dangerous they truly are. Truth About Vaccines!
The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children
By: Françoise Berthoud, MD [medical doctor, paediatrician]
June 25, 2010
Once upon a time, in April 2009 to be exact, I was invited to give a speech at a conference on vaccination. I was to talk after two of the best speakers France has to offer on the subject had their turn, journalist Sylvie Simon and biologist Michel Georget. At hearing them speak in the past, it was absolutely clear to me that the best option is to stay as far away from vaccines as possible. I just did not know what to do instead to best assure staying alive and well. As a paediatrician and homeopath qualified to speak on the subject, I decided to setup a conference called The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children along with my friends, Sylvie and Michel. This work would later evolve into a book that analyses various life choices often made by families that do not vaccinate, including home birth, breastfeeding, simple therapies, good food (often vegetarian), a tranquil living environment and trust in the capacity of the body to heal itself.
In my life as a paediatrician, I had spent lots of time in dialogue with the parents who often needed to voice their fears about both disease and vaccines. We worked out together the best route for their children. Some chose not to vaccinate at all. Others held onto fear of disease, especially tetanus. In those cases, we postponed vaccination as much as possible and used a homeopathic protection and "cleansing" called nosode.
I worked in Switzerland where there is no real legal obligation to vaccinate, only great social pressure. In France, just a few kilometres from my office, there were four compulsory vaccinations at the time (BCG was fortunately removed in 2007, and three remain: Di Te Pol).
Some of the basis of my ability to speak on the marvellous health of unvaccinated children comes from my personal experience as a medical doctor, having collected years of feedback.
“My child began coughing immediately after the vaccination.”
“He has had constant ear aches since he was vaccinated.”
“My 16 years old daughter is completely unvaccinated. She is almost never sick. If she does get sick, it’s two days at the most.”
“The neighbour's kids followed normal vaccination guidelines. They are constantly sick and on antibiotics.”
That was not enough upon which to write a book; however. As it would turn out, I found these observations were paralleled over and over again all over the world. Follow me around the planet.
In England, Michel Odent, MD showed in two studies that children having received no Pertussis vaccine had 5-6 times less asthma than those who were vaccinated for it. The first study was on 450 babies from La Leche League; the second one on 125 children in a Steiner school. (1)
Throughout Europe, a group of mostly paediatricians studied 14,893 children in Steiner schools in Austria, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland and found that children living in "anthroposophist culture" (where vaccination is largely shunned) were in better health than the controls. (2)
In Germany, one of the European Steiner schools study researchers wrote, “In the eastern part of Berlin before the fall of the wall, we saw less allergies than in the west. This population was poorer, nearer nature and less vaccinated.” Too much hygiene is not always good. As UK researcher and originator of the “hygiene hypothesis” David Strachan might say, "give us this day our daily germs".
In Spain, Xavier Uriarte, MD and J. Manuel Marín, MD published a study in 1999 on 314 children they followed between 1975 to 2000. (3) This group of children is characterized by a majority of homebirth or natural births, prolonged breastfeeding, no vaccinations, holistic health education and no allopathic medicine. There were no serious diseases, few hospitalisations (mostly for traumas), and 3.3% asthma compared to the 20% in the general population. And of course, a lot of money was spared!
The rate of autism in the U.S. is now an unthinkable 1 in 100. Those who are unvaccinated boast numbers that run in shocking contrast to the nation’s statistics. As this article is directed to the American people, I will not go on at length here. Most of you know the work of your very own journalist Dan Olmsted showing the incredible absence of autism in the unvaccinated Amish communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Further impressive is Chicago-based Homefirst Medical Clinic run by a group of doctors including medical director Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH. They have no known autism and super-scarce allergies in their children, many of whom were home deliveries, and most of whom have had no vaccinations. In 1985, I translated to French U.S. paediatrician Robert Mendelssohn, MD's How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
. Now I find concrete result in the marvellous health of kids whose doctors are his pupils! I like these synchronicities in my life.
In 1942, Leslie Owen Bailey, founder of the Natural Health Society of Australia, accepted guardianship of 85 children whose mothers were unable to care for them. Among these 85 children, no vaccinations were ever given, no drugs were ever taken or used, and no operations were ever performed. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects. Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising.
Many of these children inherited poor health due to a history of illness and malnourishment in their mothers. Despite this, and the fact that they were never breastfed nor could enjoy the normal bonding of mother to child, they were able to grow into sturdy, self-reliant children.
Two studies done in New Zealand in 1992 and 1995 show that the unvaccinated children clearly have less allergies, less otitis (ear aches), less tonsillitis, less running noses, less epilepsies and less ADHD. (4)
An interesting period in Japan was 1975-1980, when a decision was made to begin the first vaccinations at two years of age instead of at two months. The reason was that more and more was discovered linking vaccines and cot-death (SIDS). A study was published in Pediatrics showing that from 1970 to January 1975, there were 57 cases of serious vaccine reactions, including 37 deaths. From February 1975 to August 1981 there were eight cases of serious vaccine reactions, including three deaths. Unfortunately for kids and their parents, the Japanese vaccination plan is now "normalized" again. The study shows well that the immune system is stronger at two years than at two months. How well would these kids have done had they not been vaccinated at all?
We find the same observation in a Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology study. Of 11,531 children studied at age seven, here are the results: vaccinated at two months, 13.8% are asthmatic, vaccinated between two and four months, 10.3%, vaccinated after four months, 5.9 %. Again, how well would these kids have done had they not been vaccinated at all?
As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion: Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end. www.imcv.info
2) Allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children related to farming and anthroposophic lifestyle - Persifal study. Allergy 2006, 61 (4) : 414-421.
Reprinted from:
Vaccine Information center: Critical Thinking For A Critical Dilemma
(A resource for physician's and laypersons)
The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Marvelous Health of unvaccinated children!!
Posted by Mari at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Television has long-term negative effects on children!
How many parents are tempted to use the TV as a "babysitter"?
Probably most, if not all, at some point. But more and more studies are showing how bad TV really is for kids, now and in the long-term.
The study below shows how the amount of tv a 2 year old watches WILL and DOES affect him/her now and many years later.
It is best to keep the TV off when children are young and surround them with books, puzzles, coloring books, paper and crayons, building blocks, and outside playtime! Let their imaginations soar and not rot in front of TV set.
Then when they are older, they will also be more likely to know how to keep themselves busy (than just sitting on the couch with the remote control) because they learned how at young ages.
Also, let's not underestimate what values they are even learning by watching television. With all the commercials and inappropriate programming, perhaps the TV set is best left off. Especially, for younger children because they are more easily influenced.
Myth: A little TV never hurt anybody....
A new study finds that when toddlers view too much television, it could lead to a host of problems later in life.
Research published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine shows a link between the amount of time children watch TV at age two and academic, social, and health problems at age ten. The study involved about 1,300 Canadian children born in Quebec between 1997 and 1998 who were followed-up at various points in their lives.
Child experts found that two-year-olds who watch too much TV -- more than two hours a day -- were more likely to be picked on by classmates at age ten. They were also more prone to consume more soft drinks, have a higher body mass index, and be less physically active on weekends.While TV can provide helpful information for children and adults, Melissa Henson with the Parents Television Council (PTC) tells OneNewsNow this research provides an important reminder for parents.
"Even programming that is built as educational really has very little educational benefit for the youngster," she comments. "The child is more likely to grow intellectually [and] developmentally at a faster pace if they're not watching television and instead are looking at books...playing outside, or engaging with other kids or even adults."
Henson also reminds parents that watching too much TV is not just a problem among toddlers, so they should not let their guard down as their children grow older.
Source: One News Now
Posted by Mari at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Study Finds that Soda Fountain Machines Squirt Fecal Matter!
Well if you need another reason to avoid soda, here's a gross one! LOL!
----------------------------------------------------------Those soda fountain machines found in restaurants and fast food joints around the world may be squirting out liquids contaminated with fecal bacteria, a small study found.
Whether it was self-serve or behind the counter, nearly half of all sodas dispensed from a sample of 30 machines in the Roanoke Valley in Virginia had coliform bacteria — a group of bacteria banned in drinking water by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it indicates the possibility of fecal contamination. “The EPA regulates our drinking supply, and there can be some bacteria, but one of the things that is not allowed is coliform bacteria,” said Renee D. Godard, professor of biology at Hollins University and a co-author of the paper published in the January print issue of the International Journal of Food Microbiology.
“We can’t have that in our drinking supply. But they’re coming out of these soda fountain machines,” she said.
The soda machines had turned into a bacteria metropolis with Escherichia coli (E. coli), species of Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Stenotrophomonas, Candida, and Serratia. Most of the bacteria were resistant to the 11 antibiotics Godard tested on her samples.
“About 70 percent of the beverages had bacteria and 48 percent of them had coliform bacteria,” said Godard.
However, only 20 percent of the sodas sampled had coliform bacteria that exceeded the EPA limit for drinking water.
Since the tap water and ice from the machines didn’t test positive for bacteria, Godard and her team ruled out the possibility of a valley-wide contamination of the water supply.
Various brands of soft drinks and various types — sugared, diet or even water — were contaminated, leading Godard to think that it wasn’t the soda, but the machine that was growing bacteria.
From all her testing, Godard still isn’t sure where the bacteria came from. Few people observed in the restaurants touched the nozzles of the soda fountain machines and restaurant managers Godard interviewed reported cleaning the nozzles daily.
But only one restaurant manager reported rinsing the plastic tubing within the machines on a regular basis.
Godard hypothesizes that it could only take one contamination of the nozzle for the bacteria to grow up into the plastic tubing and start colonizing within the machine.
“Our best guess is they’re actually establishing themselves on the lining of the plastic tubing. The reason we say that is in other areas, such as hospitals, it is known that bacteria can establish themselves on plastic tubing for machines,” said Godard.
The Coca-Cola Company, said in a statement to ABCNews.com that it “has been serving fountain beverages for more than 120 years, and we are not aware of any illnesses related to our fountain-dispensed beverages and the microorganisms mentioned in the Virginia study.”
Coca-Cola said it purchases the soda fountain dispensers from independent companies and “routinely communicate with our customers, who maintain the fountain equipment, about our standards and expectations for quality and sanitation, and we provide them with training,” according to the company’s statements.
Godard said she hopes the news will lead restaurant owners to rinse out their machines more often.
However, Godard pointed out that the most common model of soda fountains in her study — manufactured by Cornelius Inc. — recommended flushing out the internal tubes at least once a month and daily cleaning of nozzles.
“But my guess is that most restaurant owners wouldn’t have the vaguest idea about how to flush those machines, or that they would even need too,” said Godard.
Microbiologists not involved in the study weren’t surprised of coliform colonies in the soda fountain machines.
“Wherever man is there will be representation of feces,” said Philip Tierno, director of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at New York University Langone Medical Center.
“We’re basically bathed in feces as a society,” he said.
ewww! Yuck! Just another reason to avoid soda and continue to carry my own clean, plastic bottle that I fill with purified, ionized water, thank you very much! -Mari
Posted by Mari at 9:09 PM 0 comments